Our investment approach
We call our investment approach “DMZ Partners Inheritors Strategy”. We look for six key characteristics in investment-worthy companies as exhibited in the image below. In our view, when bought at rational prices, owning such businesses over long periods
of time has the potential to compound investors' capital at superior rates of return over very long runways.
Our philosophy
Our investment philosophy takes inspiration from the following Charlie Munger quote: "Avoiding stupidity is a lot easier than seeking brilliance." Our goal is to build a strong multi-decade and potentially multi-generational investment track record for
our clients. We offer a single discretionary portfolio management investment approach.
Investment Performance
Performance related to SEBI Registered Portfolio Managers is available on the following SEBI website - https://www.sebi.gov.in/sebiweb/other/OtherAction.do?doPmr=yes
Please note that the performance related data is not verified by SEBI.